The Federation for Hunting and Conservation - Malta (FKNK) would like to thank the Maltese Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) who accepted its invitation and participated in the event "Dialogue on the future of Europe's countryside, sustainable land use, hunting and nature conservation", which took place on 10 September 2024 at the European Parliament (EP).
Maltese MEPs Alex Agius Saliba, Daniel Attard and Thomas Bajada from the local Labour Party and Peter Agius from the local Nationalist Party, together with another 46 MEPs from all major political groups, also pledged their support for the re-establishment of the Intergroup on “Biodiversity, Hunting and the Countryside” during the 2024 - 2029 parliamentary term. Since it was first established in 1985, the Intergroup has served as a key stakeholder platform within the EP, enabling open, cross-political discussions between decision-makers, civil society and experts.
The event was hosted by MEP Juan Ignacio Zoido and jointly organised by FKNK's Brussels partners, the European Federation for Hunting and Conservation (FACE - 37 years of partnership) and the European Landowners' Organisation (ELO - 16 years of partnership).
FKNK has also invited all Maltese MEPs to a second event at the EP, hosted by Maltese MEP Alex Agius Saliba and organised in cooperation with FACE on 25 September 2024 on the occasion of the FACE General Assembly. At the start of the 2024 - 2029 parliamentary term, this meeting will address key priorities for sustainable hunting and conservation. In addition to MEPs, FACE members, including officials from the FKNK, the European Commission and other NGOs, are invited to exchange views on how to improve the European framework to promote sustainable hunting and conservation.