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  • Writer's pictureFKNK

Hunting in Spring 2023

April 8, 2023, the Federation for Hunting and Conservation - Malta (FKNK) wishes a Happy Easter to its thousands of members and their families and a Good and Safe Hunting Season in Spring for quail which opens on Monday 10 April 2023 and is expected to close on 30 April 2023 at midday, unless, in the meantime, the established national bag quota of 2400 quail is reached, in which case the season is closed.

The FKNK expects hunters to strictly observe the relative laws and regulations, including the reporting directions as stipulated in the special license document. The FKNK hopes that it will not be long before it will publish guidelines regarding this reporting aspect.

Regarding the opening of a season for turtle dove hunting also during this spring, as proposed by the FKNK to the Malta Ornis Committee, which Committee voted in favor of this proposal, due to the appeal through a Mandate of Injunction in the Court that BirdLife Malta filed against the Government not to open this season, we will have to wait for the outcome of the respective Case, where the FKNK also filed an Appeal as an interested party on behalf of its thousands of members which will be directly affected by the Court's decision.

In the meantime, the FKNK will inform and accordingly issue directives to its members upon any developments in this regard.

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