The Voice of Maltese Hunters and Trappers
The National Association of Hunters and Trappers was formed on 17th September 1973, with the clear aim to preserve the Maltese traditional socio-cultural passions of migratory huntable wild birds hunting and live-capturing with selective nets for the purpose of keeping the caught birds alive in captivity. This is still the primary goal today.
In May 1982 the Association changed its name to The Hunters’ Association and in July 1984 the Association again changed its name by adding the word Conservation since it increased it's activities related to conservation projects.
On the 22nd June 1998 the Association's statute was reconstructed so as to form The Federation for Hunting & Conservation - Malta (Federazzjoni KaÄ‹Ä‹aturi Nassaba Konservazzjonisti – FKNK) which incorporates an average of 23 Associations from as many districts and specific committees. The specific committees incorporate the Commission for Public Relations and Education (KRPE); the Maltese Hunting Dog Club; Klabb Ä ojjin (Children Club); and the Organising Sub-Committees which are responsible for the management, since 1984, of the FKNK Hunting Reserves at Miżieb and L-Aħrax.

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